Traditional Financial reporting tools are often static insights – Here is your income, expenses, liabilities and a sum of your assets. Whoop-de-do, they don’t really give you any clues on what is working for you or not, nor any clues on how to move forward. As professional advisors in the financial, property and wealth creation space, it became strikingly clear to us that many households had limited insights into how their wealth and future retirement plans were tracking. This meant many were surprisingly disappointed, even shocked, when presented with their current forecasts or projections.
They simply weren’t aware or prepared for the potential forced change, having to adjust spending and lifestyles expectations because they didn’t build enough wealth to adequately replace their working incomes in time for retirement.
What’s even more concerning was, these were people who sought out professional help. In reality, the vast majority of Australian’s don’t seek help, so the size and challenge of this problem remains a significant and mainstream challenge.
For my teams and I’s perspective, we couldn’t let this just happen on our watch. This presented us with a huge challenge which has transformed into a mission to help more Australians achieve financial independence.
Creating and building WealthSPEED® and WealthCLOCK® into the Moorr® platform is an essential part of that mission. For us, we are now driven on this mission to play a helping hand. These ‘Next Generation’ financial instruments are forward-looking and help you to see where you are at right now and the pathway ahead.
Want to learn more?
- Check out all the widgets on our Wealth Dashboard, here.
- Explore WealthSPEED®, WealthCLOCK®, and more in our webinar replay! 👇