Save for a Home Deposit

How to Save for a Home Deposit

Welcome to your guide on how to save for a home deposit as quickly as possible!

It’s truly exciting that you’re starting to think about the next stage of life and get serious about saving for your own home. Kudos to that!

Inspired by Case Study 2 in our best-selling book, “Make Money Simple Again,” this article is packed with with useful tips and real-life scenarios to help in your journey of rapidly saving for a home deposit.

Don’t miss the opportunity to download the book for FREE and embark on your very own journey to financial freedom.

Your Money Story

This article will suit you if you have a solid income, and while you’ve enjoyed the freedom of renting, you now want to build a sizable deposit to purchase and own your very own home. Let’s dive into how the MoneySMARTS system can help you achieve your goal.

Assessing Your Money Situation

To embark on this journey to financial freedom, you must first assess your current financial standing. 

Take a deep breath, and let’s dive into the numbers. Understanding where your money goes and identifying your debt is essential to crafting a plan for the future.

The 7-Step MoneySMARTS System

Step 1 & 2 – Gather & Sort:

Combine your finances by setting up a joint bank account. This will allow your combined money to work harder for you, improving your overall outcome. If you prefer separate accounts, you can still use the MoneySMARTS system with virtual jars to track your surplus amounts.

First, gather all your financial documents including payslips, bank statements, and credit card statements. Familiarise yourself on where to look for this information. Is it on an online banking platform? What are your login details? Or is it a paper trail? Do you know where you’ve stored them? Or are they in your email inbox?

Now with your financial documents on hand, it’s time to sort through the numbers. Record your income, savings, assets, and outstanding debts. This process will provide you with a high-level view of your financial position and help you identify areas for improvement.

Motivation: Keep your goal in mind – owning your own home. Place a motivational message on your fridge to remind you of the bigger picture.

How can Moorr Help?: Create your free account in Moorr, log in, and follow the prompts. You’ll be asked to enter some numbers. Don’t worry if you don’t know it off the top of your head. Just put in a rough figure, and you can update it once you know for certain.

Once you have the financial documents, update each section in Moorr, particularly the income, assets, and borrowings sections. We’ll work on the expenses next.


Step 3 & 4 – Calculate & Banking:

Calculate your income and expenditure using the MoneySMARTS virtual Flour Jar categories. Identify discretionary spending and areas where you can cut back to increase your surplus income.

  • Regular Spending – Living and Lifestyle Jar: Identify discretionary spending within this jar. Consider trapping more per week from this category to boost your home deposit savings.
  • Credit Card Jar: Always worth comparing offers in the market for better deals. Additionally, consider reducing fuel costs by finding alternative transportation methods.
  • Direct Payment Jar: Shopping around for cheaper banking options could be beneficial. Look for a high-interest savings account with no fees to maximise your savings.
  • Loans Jar: If you’ve got loans, review each of them to determine if they are better paid off. Some loans are helpful to keep so make sure you consult your Tax Accountant. Keeping one card open for interest-free days will also help your savings grow in your high-interest Primary Account.
  • Planned Provisions Spending: Identify discretionary spending within this jar. Consider whether these expenses are essential or if cutting back will benefit your long-term goal.
  • Primary Account: This will be where your all your money goes! Look for a high-interest, no-fee joint account.  If interest paid isn’t high enough, try shopping around for a better deal.
  • Banking: Keep your current Living & Lifestyle account or open a new one. Apply for two debit cards linked to this account.
  • Credit Card: Choose the best credit card option and link it to your Primary Account.

 How can Moorr Help?: Let’s track your spending!

  1. Get a copy of your bank statement for the last 12 months.
  2. Start categorising and get your calculator ready! If you’re wondering how to categorize from a statement, it might be best to have it in an Excel spreadsheet first, and then transfer it to Moorr.
    • Regular spending – Ideally it’s best to go back and look over bank statements and credit card statements from the past 12 months to get a clear picture of where all your money goes. (Getting your numbers as accurate as you can might take a bit of effort now, but you will be glad when you’ve done it, because it will mean a lot less work when you have MoneySMARTS up and running.) Note the monthly average in your Excel sheet. We’ll transfer it to Moorr soon.
    • Provisioning spending – Think about the big things you plan to spend your money on over the next year. It could be anything from replacing your couch to spending on gifts. Document what these planned expenses are for the coming year.
  3. Go to the Bills & Spending section in Moorr and enter what you have recorded.
  4. Next, go to the MoneySMARTS Dashboard and enter the provisions.

Once you’ve completed all this, check out your Dashboard on Moorr! This is the coolest part because it tells you how much surplus you have and more. It’s like a profit and loss statement. If the dashboard shows that you should have a surplus in place, but you don’t, it means you may have overestimated your income or underestimated your expenses/repayments. Make sure to check and update accordingly.

This could be a reality check, but use this opportunity to motivate yourself!

For Step 4, you might remember that we mentioned combining your finances by setting up a joint bank account. Additionally, leveraging our years of experience in money management and insights from the thousands of users we’ve served, we’ve incorporated our account structure recommendations for each category of bills and spending. Please note that this is a general recommendation based on all our users and MoneySMARTS, and may not be customized to your unique spending habits. So, feel free to tweak it as you see fit.

Once you’ve reorganised your banking structure, make sure to update it in Moorr!


Step 5, 6 & 7 – Check Up, Tweak & Rollover:

Regularly review and check up on your progress and if necessary, tweak your spending to stay on track. You’re doing great so far, but you can always do better. We’re going to be upfront with you… the first few months of MoneySMARTS are the hardest. From our data, most users tend to understate their expenses. That’s mainly because we’re simply not aware of ALL the transactions.  

As you progress on your financial journey, you will need to make adjustments to your plan. Be open to tweaks and improvements that will help you reach your goals faster. Focus on reducing discretionary spending and increasing your trapped surplus money to build your home deposit more quickly.

Rollover any surplus money each month to accelerate your savings.

How can Moorr Help?:

Monthly check-ups allow you to track and understand your money and cashflow position in a shorter timeframe to give you clearer insights into how well you are progressing and controlling your money. In short, you are assessing the cashflow for the month – money in and money out – and tracking it against your yearly targets. 

The great news here is, when set-up and running smoothly, this check-up should take less than 10 minutes a month! To see the full reporting and insights, you only need to input three figures into Moorr: 

  1. Primary Bank account balance
  2. Credit Card account balance
  3. Your total provision spending for the month. (Tip: You can add this On-The-Go via the app! That way, you don’t have to note it down and best yet, you can see how much provision is left before making that next purchase.)

And while doing your monthly rollover, take note of any of these scenarios:

  • You’re constantly running out of money in your 7-day float
  • You have a lot left in your 7-day float
  • You’re spending on something that is not provisioned for
  • You’ve got plenty of provisions left

Review and ask yourself if you can optimise this and get more accurate with your spending and updating Moorr. Stay grounded in reality, but never lose sight of the ultimate goal—to save for a deposit and own your own home. Moorr is here to support you every step of the way, providing the tools and resources you need to succeed.

For the annual rollover, we’ve made it super easy for you! Simply head to the rollover section on the MoneySMARTS page and follow the prompts. 

Now you’ve calculated your finances, identified discretionary spending, and set up banking for a Rapid Home Deposit. The MoneySMARTS system and scenarios provided will speed up your goal of homeownership.

Stay focused, disciplined, and motivated, and your dream will become a reality in no time!

Your Future 'Potential' Money Outcomes

Let’s explore different scenarios to see how soon you can achieve your home deposit target. This section below is based on the numbers and scenarios in Case Study 2 of our best selling book, Make Money Simple Again. There are heaps more graphs, charts, tables and examples so make sure you check it out. It’s free to download!


Scenario 1 – Snail’s Pace Savings

Continue with your current spending habits.

In the case study, the couple reach their target by March 2025.


Scenario 2 – A Trapped Extra $250 per week

Review your discretionary spending and save some extra each week.

In the case study, the couple saved an extra $250 from discretionary spending each week and reach their target by February 2022.


Scenario 3 – A Trapped Extra $500 per week

Increase your savings by cutting back on discretionary spending.

In the case study, the couple saved an extra $500 each week and reach their target by January 2021.


Scenario 4 – Surprise Option

Move in with the folks! By contributing to their expenses and paying them board, you’ll save even more.

In the case study, the couple reach their target by July 2020.


Free Download

If you’ve found what you’ve read so far interesting or useful, we’d love to offer you a free copy of “Make Money Simple Again.” It’s got some cool charts, graphs, and tables that will make things even easier to grasp.

Just pick the “adventure” that suits you best and we’ll send the free book to you within the next 5 minutes. Enjoy!


With determination and sacrifice, you can reach your goal. Imagine owning your own home from the deposit that you’ve saved – that’s true financial power!

Implementing the MoneySMARTS system and following these scenarios will empower you to achieve your dream of homeownership sooner than you ever thought possible. 

Stay focused, motivated, and disciplined. Your future home is within reach, and you have the tools to make it happen. Let’s get started on your Rapid Home Deposit journey!


Try Moorr For Free Today

Spend money on the things you want without guilt and save for the future with confidence. You can have the best of both worlds. Achieve more, with Moorr

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‘Make Money Simple Again’


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