How and where to check your monthly expenses on Moorr

  1. Once you’re on the “Home” page of your account, you will see 3 pie graphs in the upper part of the page and the one in the right-hand side is your total monthly expenses pie. Your monthly expenses include your monthly bills, spending, investment property costs as well as your loan payments.
  2. For you to add or edit an Expense, just go to MyFINANCIALS
  3. On the MyFINANCIALS page, click on Add a new Card  → Expense, and choose the type of expense you wish to add.
  4. Then click “Create
  5. Let us say you added “Gas” which is a bill or an expense that recurs monthly, you will need to add the “Bill Reminder Date“, for the system to recognize it as a Bill and not a Spending.
    • Spendings are expenses that may happen a few (or more) times but are not required recurring monthly expenses. An example of this is if you went to see a movie or dine out.
    • Bills are recurring and predictable. Your expenses for your electricity, water & sewage, gas, etc., are some of the examples.
  6. To remove an item from “Expense“, select the item. A pop-up with the details of the Expense Item will appear
  7. Near the upper right corner of the pop-up page, click on the 3 dots
  8. Select
  9. To see the total amounts of your Bills and Spendings, go to “Home
  10. Scroll down to “Your Summary of Household Income & Expenditure


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