Search, Filter & Sort

Now that we’ve got MyFINANCIALS and the Financial Cards up and running, this upcoming release is all about finding the transaction that you’re looking for as quickly as possible.

Imagine this:

You’re an avid user of Moorr and is in a good habit of recording all your assets, borrowings, income and expenses. All of a sudden, you realised that one of your Property Manager is increasing their cost. How do you quickly update the numbers?

Well, we want to help you to identify the card easily. Which is why, we are thrilled to announce an upcoming feature that will enhance your experience on the Moorr Platform web app.

Say hello to “Filter, Search & Sort,” a simple but powerful tool that brings added convenience and control to your financial management.


What to expect?

The features:

Whether you’re tracking your expenses, managing your assets, or keeping an eye on your borrowings, the Filter & Sort feature is now available across the board. No matter which aspect of your finances you’re focused on, this feature is here to streamline your experience.

  • Search option based on description
  • Filter options for all cards
  • Sort option for all cards

Platform: Webapp only

Expected Release Date: Quarter 1 of 2024

Let’s dive into these exciting new features below!


Simple Search: Find the Cards you’re looking for

Yes, there will be a search function as well making it easy for you to look for that specific card that’s been in your mind. Click into the search bar and type in part of the details of the cards and voila! At the moment, the concept is to have it search based on the descriptions so as long as you remember what you’ve named them, you’re in good hands 👍


Filtering Made Simple: Tailor Your View in Seconds

With the new Filter option, you can easily refine your view with just a few clicks. Customise your financial cards by filtering them based on various criteria, including items or categories. This means you can quickly find the specific information you need, saving you valuable time and effort.


Effortless Sorting: Organize Your Cards Your Way

Sorting your financial cards is now a breeze. The Sorting feature introduces basic functions to arrange your cards in each classification to suit your preferences. You can sort them alphabetically (A-Z) by card name, by value, by the last modified date, or alphabetically (A-Z) by item name. This flexibility allows you to have your financial information displayed exactly the way you want it.



We understand the importance of keeping your financial data organised and accessible. That’s why we’re committed to continuously improving the Moorr Platform. We can’t wait for you to try out the Filter & Sort feature and see how it simplifies your financial management tasks. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please share your thoughts as you explore these new additions.

Stay tuned for the release, and thank you for choosing Moorr as your trusted partner in financial management!





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