WealthSPEED® & WealthCLOCK®

And how they are going to change the way you look at your Financial World?

Setting up for Financial Success

In my formative years of learning about money and investing, there were two pivotal concepts that really stood out. These two concepts set me on a learning journey that I’m still living out today. They have greatly impacted and influenced many of my decisions and ultimate actions over the decades, allowing me and my family the ability to achieve the financial security of never having to worry about money again.
Complete Financial Peace.
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Compound Interest – I remember the first time I learnt about the power of compounding interest, described by Albert Einstein as the eighth wonder of the world. As a 16-year-old discovering this concept, this was initially met with a few sceptic reactions, as the scale of such accumulating values, compounding like they did, quickly to numbers that were hard to comprehend. Well let’s just say it took a little time to sink in, but it did and with that, it changed my life.

Borrowing Leverage – I discovered this concept in my early twenties. Whilst being mindful of the risk /reward equation, having the ability to control an asset of higher value to achieve a superior cash-out on cash-in return was instrumental in my investment thinking, my cashflow management and my actions in those formative years.
As I reflect on these two foundational concepts, I think about the learning gifts they gave me, not just in the numbers sense, but in how they triggered a behavioural response in me to learn more, and to understand more of the moving parts that make up mastering one’s finances. This built my confidence to then put that knowledge into action.

It’s now my turn to pay it forward, by sharing this new learning gift with you.

It is a new concept, developed by my team and I, via working with thousands of clients. I believe it will be a true game changer for you.

These financial indicator tools take away the pain of not knowing where you truly stand right now. They are the best ‘current state of play’ indicators you can have. And best of all, they are so simple to use, and just as impossible, so simple to help you understand what’s going on.

Your financials have never been presented to you in this way before.
Once you see them this way, I strongly believe you won’t go back to looking at them in a static fashion ever again. Furthermore, when it comes your time for you to reflect on what concepts drove your motivation and behaviours, to help you achieve your financial peace story, maybe WealthSPEED® and WealthCLOCK® might get a mention from you 😊.

In closing I want to acknowledge that I started early on my journey to financial peace. I realise you might be reading this, and your twenties might be just or well behind you. Right at this moment, that’s not relevant, nor can anyone change what’s in the past, anyway.

Hmm, let me tweak my statement just a little.

If you take a moment to learn about – WealthSPEED® and WealthCLOCK® and put this knowledge into action to calculate your own WealthSPEED® and WealthCLOCK® results, that’s when I can honestly say – that’s all that matters for you right now.

Remember, Knowledge is Empowering, but only if you act on it.

All the best on your journey to financial peace.

Ben Kingsley,
Co-Creator of Moorr

WealthSPEED Tree
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Technically Speaking: It’s a calculation that measures the speed of wealth being generated and turns this calculation into an hourly rate. It does this by calculating income (NetIncomeSPEED™) versus spending (SavingSPEED™), asset value change (AssetSPEED™), and principal payments of loans (DebtReductionSPEED™). It’s calculated using a 24hour, hourly rate.
Whilst that is its technical definition – its true purpose and its ultimate magical power lies in its ability to drill one’s total financial story down into one single and easy to understand financial indicator. And by doing so, it brings awareness and motivates one into action.

Technically Speaking: It is a running calculation that starts by summing up your Total Net Worth, and then using the WealthSPEED®’s hourly rate value, it moves your Wealth, in the direction of your WealthSPEED® in real time.

Very Cool, right!


Traditional Financial reporting tools are often static insights – Here is your income, expenses, liabilities and a sum of your assets. Whoop-de-do, they don’t really give you any clues on what is working for you or not, nor any clues on how to move forward. As professional advisors in the financial, property and wealth creation space, it became strikingly clear to us that many households had limited insights into how their wealth and future retirement plans were tracking. This meant many were surprisingly disappointed, even shocked, when presented with their current forecasts or projections. For us, we couldn’t let this just happen on our watch. This presented us with a huge challenge which has transformed into a mission to help more Australians achieve financial independence. Creating and building WealthSPEED® and WealthCLOCK® into the Moorr® platform is an essential part of that mission. For us, we are now driven on this mission to play a helping hand. These ‘Next Generation’ financial instruments are forward-looking and help you to see where you are at right now and the pathway ahead.   More
These tools were built for anyone who is planning to retire one day. Yes, that really does mean everyone could benefit from having this their current state of financial play assessed, because that’s what it does. When combined with the other Speed Gauges, which makes up WealthSPEED®, Moorr® users will see a truly clear and easy to digest picture of their current ‘forward-looking’ summary.   More
Well, given yesterday is gone, today is as good a time as any. Seriously though, both tools have been built with historical tracking features, meaning as soon as you have added in your financial information into Moorr®, we are already tracking and recording your results for you.
Remember your starting goal is to make your WealthSPEED® go faster! So, get started today if you haven’t already done so.

Before we unpack them, it is important to first understand that a hierarchical relationship exists between some of the Speed Indicators and Gauges with all roads eventually leading to WealthSPEED® and then implementing this value, runs your WealthCLOCK®.


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So how does it all fit together?

WealthSPEED Tree Diagram

As you can see from the illustration, all roads lead to WealthSPEED as a single tracking metric you can use to track your performance in building wealth. Additionally, in seeing the big picture relationship, you can utilise these insights to help identify potential areas for improvement & opportunities to make your WealthSPEED go faster.

For example, changes to your NetIncomeSPEED through a pay rise will have a positive effect on your overall WealthSPEED, as will  increases in acquisition of investment assets, through a faster AssetSPEED.

A high SavingSPEED yet low PassiveIncomeSPEED or low AssetSPEED might indicate to you that your money isn’t working as hard as it could be for you and as such there might be missed investment opportunities currently for you. 

Or an AssetSPEED that is geared heavily towards SuperSPEED might indicate a need to seek some advice about diversify your investment portfolio.

The key takeaways here is, if you want to retirement financially free, your PassiveIncomeSPEED needs to be healthy, otherwise you could be working longer and harder to reach your retirement goals.

WealthSPEED and it’s supporting speed gauges are here to make sure you have the clear financial picture from which to build on.

Cashflow is your fuel that drives your car. I talked earlier about how leverage has been instrumental in helping me accelerate my path to financial peace, but given it also increases one’s risk, you cannot play the game of investing without sensible risk mitigation. The foundations of this can only be found in sound cashflow management and forward modelling.
In this section you are going to learn about the financial indicators that reveal your current financial story. It is calculated by deducting your total income flowing in (NetIncomeSPEED™) from the total spending (SpendingSPEED™) flowing out of your household, with whatever left over being represented as one’s SavingSPEED™.
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Is calculated by adding your WorkingIncomeSPEED™ with PassiveIncomeSPEED™ and adjusting for any tax payable. When you think about NetIncomeSPEED™, think about it as net income that is available to you as part of your cashflow planning.
Let’s now breakdown the WorkingIncomeSPEED™ and PassiveIncomeSPEED™.

Let’s now breakdown the WorkingIncomeSPEED™ and PassiveIncomeSPEED™.

Is calculated as gross income (before tax) created via exertion of your effort and your time.

The diagram, explains the sources of WorkingIncomeSPEED™.

Noting that any Super Salary Sacrifice or Other Salary Sacrifice is subtracted from within the Speed calculation, as this money is committed elsewhere, and as such isn’t available to you currently.

Gross income is used because we need to understand the impact of passive income and tax deductions on total taxable income before we can assess and adjust for any potential tax liability to ultimately calculate your NetIncomeSPEED™.


As the name suggests is calculated by the income you are generating passively, from your investments.  

The diagram above explains the sources of PassiveIncomeSPEED™, which is made up of RentalIncomeSPEED™; which is all income generated from the investment property assets you own, and InvestmentIncomeSPEED™; which captures all the other investment income being generated from these investments.

That completes the ‘money in’ income side of the cashflow equation, now let’s look at the ‘money out’ – expenses side of the equation.

Is calculated by capturing all your expenses. Money flowing out of your household impacts what cashflow (savings) is left over. (If I were to use the wealth creation car analogy here, this gauge would be referred to as the brakes that slow the car down).
The diagram on the right, explains the sources of SpendingSPEED™. It captures the total expenditure right across your household at this moment in time, based on the financial information you have input. It’s then summarised neatly into an hourly rate of money flowing out.

You have now learnt about both sides of the cashflow equation and what is left over is hopefully a surplus of household money. So, let’s now learn about this surplus, most commonly referred to as household or personal savings.

Is the calculated hourly rate at which you are forecast to accumulate surplus cashflow or ‘money’. Put simply, income less expenditure. (This is our proxy for surplus cashflow – the fuel in our wealth creation car)

Let us now take a moment to bring this cashflow story board together with the below diagram, which does an excellent job in illustrating the source and sequential flow, to help us best understand their moving parts and calculations.


Debt Management

Is the next logical learning step, as it has its origins in the cashflow story you just learnt about. The reason for this is, you have choices with how you use your surplus cashflow, one of which is to pay down debt. So, in this section you are learning about the treatment and impact of how we account for you paying down debt, as it relates to these financial indicator tools in Moorr and its impact on your overall WealthSPEED® result. Furthermore, whilst debt management has its origins in surplus cashflow, when you pay down certain debt like mortgage debt, you are in fact increasing your net equity (asset) and overall net worth position.

You can understand why I refer to debt as the radiator in our wealth creation car. The hotter the radiator gets, the greater the risk of a breakdown which could cause damage the engine. Too much debt can, and will, put your car at risk of a breakdown or at the very least, force you to slow the speed of your car down if it gets too hot. A true high performing car is designed to run hotter, but in our case, running hotter means the right type of debt, being asset building ‘productive’ debt and NOT personal use debt.

Let’s learn more about to application of DebtReductionSPEED™


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Is the hourly rate at which the total sum of any principal debt is decreasing. Therefore, with any principal and interest loan repayments, it’s only calculating the principal value/s repayment and not the interest costs value payment.

If you had an interest only loan, then the calculation would be zero, as no principal amount is being reduced. It factors in the principal value movement, excluding any interest costs payable. It’s treated positively because it’s using surplus cashflow to reduce any principal debt and this is building your wealth position. Furthermore, the reason it excludes interest costs is because they are already accounted for within SpendingSPEED™ calculation, which you learnt earlier.

It looks simple in nature, but again you have a choice with what you do with surplus cashflow, if you are using it to pay down debt, then we need to account for it within the calculation of these financial indicators.
Whilst this debt management section was short and sweet to illustrate how these tools work, you must never forget that as you travel through life, you are going to be tempted with many different forms of debt from credit cards and store cards to personal loans, car loans, and the biggest debts of them all, mortgage debt. That means, understanding debt management, what it’s costing you and how to best manage it, from within your cashflow base, is going to make you a better money manager and more wealth if you get it right.

Now I get to teach you about the power of compounding returns over time as we turn your learning attention to measuring the value price movements of assets. And whilst I’m not going to be able to showcase the full power of year-on-year compounding returns in this page, you will start to appreciate the importance of knowing just how these assets are going to play a big and vital role in your wealth creation journey. (And why I refer to this as the ‘turbocharger’ of our wealth creation car).

In this section, you are going to learn about the projected total value change in your assets over an annual period. We have broken them down into four separate sub-gauges (PersonalPropertyValueSPEED™, InvestmentPropertyValueSPEED™, OtherInvestmentValueSPEED™ and SuperSPEED™), with the combination of these gauges summing up to calculate the total AssetSPEED™ indicator.

Oh, and apologies for the ‘extended’ naming convention, but at the end of the day we decided to use them, because they really do make it easy to understand what each gauge represents.

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Is calculated as the sum total of all projected annual growth for all personal properties, brought back to an hourly rate. The growth figure used to help calculate this value, is the Projected Capital Growth (%) figure taken from what has been inputted within your Property Card entry, where the primary purpose is selected as Home or Personal Use.

The diagram above shows the total of one’s personal property, which would include holiday homes, or any personal vacant land held by you/your household.

Is calculated as the sum total of all projected annual growth for all investment properties, brought back to an hourly rate. The growth figure used to help calculate this value is the Projected Capital Growth (%) figure taken from the Properties section within the Financials main menu of the Moorr platform, where the primary purpose is selected as an investment property asset in the desktop version or on the mobile version within the Financial Cards section of the app.

(My favourite of course, but I’m biased, as property has made a lot of money for me and my family over the years)

The diagram above shows the total of one’s investment property/ies, held by you/your household, which is personally owned (not owned in any other entity, which I talk about more in the ‘Other important stuff & FAQ’ below).

Is calculated as the total sum of all projected annual growth, and other increases in value including contributions and/or dividend reinvestments (but it excludes interest on savings, because we treat this as income). This calculation relates to all other investments, outside of property and superannuation. The growth figure used to help calculate this value is the Projected Capital Growth (%) figure taken from within the Investments profile area, under Other Assets sub-menu, which lives within the Financials main menu of the Moorr platform in the desktop version or on the mobile version within the Financial Cards section of the app.

The diagram shows the total value of all the potential different investment sources, ensuring the calculation captures any other asset believed to have appreciating potential and of which is personally owned, not owned in any other entity, because we are measuring household or personal wealth in these calculations.


Is calculated as the total of your household superannuation balance growth at an hourly rate and includes employer contributions received while working, as well as any salary sacrifice or post-tax contributions to your superannuation.

Going a little deeper now. The growth of your super balance includes the Super’s Balance Earnings, your employer contributions and other contributions you make to your Super via salary sacrifice or post tax contributions.

Balance Earnings is calculated as the sum total of existing Super multiplied by the Superannuation Earnings Rate. We set a default rate for this at 5.5% which is net of all Superannuation fund fees and charges, but you can adjust the value by locating the Projected Superannuation Earnings Rate (%) within the Superannuation profile area under the Other Assets sub-menu, within the web/desktop version, or in the mobile app version within the Financial Cards section of Moorr®

Following the rules of superannuation, when you are working, you receive contributions paid into your Super, referred to as Employer Contributions – which are calculated based on your salary, after deducting any salary sacrifice into Superannuation, or other salary sacrifice, multiplied by the current minimum employer contribution rate, set by the government and adjusted for tax payable within the super fund (not your individual marginal tax rate).

The diagram shows the source of contributions that make up the total value of your SuperSPEED money you have tucked away in your Super. Note: For couples, the calculations in Moorr® are performed individually, before being added together to make up the household hourly rate value.

The brings us the AssetSPEED™.

Is the sum of each of the four-investment asset sub-gauges, making up the total asset growth indicator.

The diagram above shows these asset values adding up to make the AssetSPEED™ indicator hourly rate value.

Before we move on to the relationship diagram for AssetSPEED™ it’s important to circle back to the compounding growth story and to highlight the distorted SPEED results one might get if they use unrealistic and potentially misleading Projected Capital Growth annual percentage values, or in the case of SuperSPEED™, the Projected Superannuation Earnings Rate (%). It’s prudent to be realistic about any compounding growth rate being forecast, so I hope you apply a cautious estimate when inputting these values to give you the most realistic picture of your current position.

The diagram below best illustrates how we summarise and bring all the gauges of the AssetSPEED™ side of the WealthSPEED® equation together, as it measures the projected total value movements of assets over an annual period.

Now let’s bring the full relationship picture together to display all the gauges and indicators that make up our WealthSPEED® result.

This should be your quick reference guide going forward, to help you gain greater understanding of all the gauges and indicators that make up WealthSPEED™. As you build up your understanding and confidence, you start to realise what impact and benefit this tool will have on helping you to take action.



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Had enough of trying everything else? Just keen to have a yarn with a real, living, most likely human being? No worries! We’re here to lend a hand with any questions, concerns, or issues you’ve got. Our Support Team is stoked to tackle any queries you’ve got about Moorr. Whether you’re battling to sort out tricky expenses, reckon you’ve found a bug, or perhaps you’ve got a great idea for the app, we’re all ears!

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